After we presented the H.E.A.R.T. Martial Arts students with the Any Soldier's video "Tango Mike" one of the students had asked us perhaps one of the most difficult questions that could be asked, "Why did that lady die?"
The Any Soldier's video spoke of how Specialists Carrie L. French, 19, of Caldwell, Idaho, died on June 5 in Kirkuk, Iraq, when an improvised explosive device hit the front of her convoy vehicle and detonated. This event took place just two weeks after she had posted a "Thank you" on Any Soldier to everyone who provided support for her and her fellow Soldiers.
I hope my answer set Francisco's mind a little more at ease as it is a tough topic, regardless of age, for anyone to deal with.
Again, I want to express my thanks to the Troops for everything that they do!
H.E.A.R.T. — Martial Arts — We're Fighting To Make A Difference.