Saturday, November 21, 2009

Please Go To Our New Blog

In an effort to make our blog URL easier to remember we have renamed it. Please visit our new blog page at we also have a website that is under construction with a similar name

This blog page ( will no longer be updated for the latest and greatest from Heart Martial Arts please see the new blog page, URL above.

Thanks for visiting our blog.

H.E.A.R.T. Martial Arts — We're Fighting To Make A Difference.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wear Your H.E.A.R.T. On Your Sleeve — Long Sleeve T-shirt That Is...

The Citizen Schools and H.E.A.R.T. Martial Arts Program's T-Shirts and stickers are in! I can't wait to give them to the everyone! A little something extra special from my H.E.A.R.T. to show the students and other supporters just how grateful I am and proud of what we are accomplishing together.


Friday, November 6, 2009

H.E.A.R.T.s Are Filling Up... So Are The Donation Boxes

My H.E.A.R.T. is filling up with pride as I see the students start to connect with what it is we are trying to accomplish. I may sound like a broken record but every week the students surprise me with their work ethic as well as their capacity to give from their hearts to help others. The connection to and the understanding of what it is we are doing shows in so many ways. Not so small gestures such as a student, Shahad, who gave up his favorite snacks so that he could add items to the Food Drive's donation table to the students brining in bags of shoes and clothes for the clothing and shoe drives is a testament to their understanding and compassion. It even shows in the smiles on their faces not only during our volunteer work but also during our Martial Arts training.

With all this the donation boxes for our various drives are filling up as we gain momentum with getting the word out. The students as well Citizen Schools' Mr. Max have been a tremendous help and their efforts have gone a long way toward supporting the H.E.A.R.T. Martial Arts Program. I/we are so proud of all those involved in our volunteer efforts.

In addition, I would thank Miss Amanda, Miss Ross, Mr. Everett, Mr. Mark and the Principal Miss Jackson for all their help and hard work to help make this a successful Apprenticeship.

H.E.A.R.T — Martial Arts — We're Fighting To Make A Difference.

Gedan Mawashi Geri — Lower Roundhouse Kick

Citizen Schools and the H.E.A.R.T. Martial Arts Program's students learned how to execute a Lower Roundhouse Kick, "Gedan Mawashi Geri".

"Gedan" means Lower in English.
"Mawashi" means Round in English.
"Geri" means Kick in English.

The students learned the importance of pivoting on the supporting leg to add power to the kicking leg as well as preventing the supporting leg's knee from being stressed. In addition, they learned the proper distance, "Mawai" in Japanese, from which to execute the kick; they also learned that they should strike with the shin, "Sune" in Japanese.

H.E.A.R.T. — Martial Arts — We're Fighting To Make A Difference.

Something To Take To H.E.A.R.T. — Any Soldier

After we presented the H.E.A.R.T. Martial Arts students with the Any Soldier's video "Tango Mike" one of the students had asked us perhaps one of the most difficult questions that could be asked, "Why did that lady die?"

The Any Soldier's video spoke of how Specialists Carrie L. French, 19, of Caldwell, Idaho, died on June 5 in Kirkuk, Iraq, when an improvised explosive device hit the front of her convoy vehicle and detonated. This event took place just two weeks after she had posted a "Thank you" on Any Soldier to everyone who provided support for her and her fellow Soldiers.

I hope my answer set Francisco's mind a little more at ease as it is a tough topic, regardless of age, for anyone to deal with.

Again, I want to express my thanks to the Troops for everything that they do!

H.E.A.R.T. — Martial Arts — We're Fighting To Make A Difference.

Warming A Soldier's H.E.A.R.T.

The H.E.A.R.T. Martial Arts class, along with Citizen Schools, have begun a morale boosting effort for our U.S. Troops. The students learned about how something as simple as writing a letter to a Serviceman or Servicewoman can cheer up their day. That with just a few words of kindness, a heartfelt thank you, sharing of thoughts and details from life at home in the States can serve to raise the spirits and warm the hearts of those brave souls that are fighting on our and others behalf to make the world a better and safer place for all.

We would like to thank Any Soldier (Marty Horn) for making it possible for us to get these letters out to the Troops. By providing the addresses to us as well as others, Mr. Horn's organization works tirelessly to contact the troops and maintain an updated database of their locations and needs. Thank you again for all your help.

The students constantly amaze me with their passion and willingness to help others. I am proud of all of you!

Last, but certainly not least, I would like to thank the Servicemen and women for everything they have done for our way of life and defending our freedoms. If anyone is "fighting to make a difference" it is our Troops!

H.E.A.R.T. — Martial Arts — We're Fighting To Make A Difference.

Uraken With Chudan Gyaku Tsuki — Back-fist With Middle Reverse Punch

Citizen Schools and the H.E.A.R.T. Martial Arts class learned how to execute a Back-fist followed by a Middle Reverse Punch, "Uraken with Chudan Gyaku Tsuki".

"Uraken" means Back-fist in English.
"Chudan" means Middle in English.
"Gyaku" means Reverse in English.
"Tsuki" means Punch or Strike in English.

The students learned that the power for punches comes from the connection to the ground. This connection flows through the legs which in turn pushes the hips and flows through the shoulders and eventually to the arms and the fists.

H.E.A.R.T. — Martial Arts — We're Fighting To Make A Difference.